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Counselling service, overcoming prescription drug dependence

KINGSWOOD ESTATE, Britannia Rd, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8DB, UK· Bristol· Bristol· BS15 8DB· South West
0117 9663629
We support people with Therapy 300 which is group therapy (8 people in a session) that covers well being, tapering safely from prescription drug dependence, learning new skills, confidence building, coping methods to taper safety and work with their GPs on their medication. (The duration of group session is 60-90 minutes, on a weekly basis over 12–18 months).  We offer a Telephone Support Service for those would live in the UK and outside our local area. (Duration of telephone call 20- 30 minutes). This is a talking therapy, clients received scheduled weekly telephone calls offering support, counselling and advice throughout their journey of recovery.  

All clients receive a triage, assessment, a recovery support plan and counselling. 

Ongoing support after an individual has completed Therapy 300 through our peer to peer support groups called the 360 Club. Our peers are those who have “lived experience” encouraging self-help, avoiding relapse and bringing people together to share a laugh. We recruit and train peer volunteers with constant monitoring and supervision for their 360 clubs. We also share our knowledge and expertise with health professionals, charities, research organisations and universities to make them aware of the harms these prescribes drugs are having on our society.

Our counselling service provides people with weekly 20-45-minute sessions to discuss issues and concerns, which are currently making life difficult. These could include any of the following and more: addictions, withdrawal, protracted withdrawal, low self-esteem, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, self-harm, relationship difficulties, loss of purpose or meaning, family difficulties, loss and bereavement, anger, depression, trauma etc.You are a student counsellor, psychotherapist or counselling psychologist in the second year of your diploma course.You have accumulated 25 – 65 face-to-face supervised client hours within another counselling organisation, agency or charity.You are a student counsellor, psychotherapist or counselling psychologist reaching the end of your training or working towards accreditation.You have accumulated 65+ face-to-face supervised client hours.You are in personal therapy.You will have fortnightly or monthly supervision, depending on how many hours you do.
How to apply? Send an introductory letter and CV to Reviewed 15/9/22
  • All year entry?
  • Closing date
  • Number of spaces
  • How many spaces?
  • Supervision provided?
  • Requires membership of an ethical body?
  • Which ethical body?
  • Exclusions allowed under the Equality Act?
  • Number of hours each week
    4 -7 hrs
  • Wheelchair accessible?
Abuse· Addiction· Anxiety· Depression· Stress· Trauma· Young People