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UK events

April 26, 2025, 11:49am - May 3, 11:50am

PCAN Cyprus Encounter week April 26th-May 3rd 2025

Queen's Bay Hotel, Paphos, Cyprus
Cost for single occupancy will be £502.65 Sharing – each person pays 328.50 Extra days can be booked - £88/day in April; £100/day in May Your place/s can be secured by a deposit of £120 per person for single occupancy, £60 per person sharing a room, paid to the PCAN account (see below), before the 15th December 2024. The balance is paid on arrival to the Queen’s Bay Hotel.

July 5, 2025, 22:39pm - July 6, 22:40pm

A Person-Centred Residential Weekend

Debden House Centre, Debden Green, Loughton, Essex IG10 2NZ
£250 in shared rooms £30 single supplement other options on flier