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The Person Centred Association

Who are the Person Centred Association?

We are an association of people committed to the person-centred experiential family of therapies and to the wider person-centred approach. Membership is open to everyone who has an interest in or a passion for person-centred experiential theory and practice and, although most members are therapists, we support and encourage our members who are nurses, teachers, managers - anyone with an interest in the person-centred approach.

The Association is a charity (Charity number: 1044077) and is organised on democratic lines with a Constitution approved by the Charity Commission and evolved from the British Association for the Person-Centred Approach (BAPCA) which had been in existence since 1989. 

Membership benefits

  • Much discounted subscription to  Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies (PCEP) - the World Association journal
  • Access to our Special Interest Groups, which cover a variety of topics. These groups are member-only and count as part of your CPD requirements. They provide a structure and platform to work together through relationships based in genuine acceptance and empathic understanding
  • Our monthly newsletter and the Person-Centred Quarterly magazine
  • Your own free profile page in our therapist directory
  • Use of our logo
  • Half price membership of Online Events CPD Library for one year
  • Half price membership of Association for Person Centred Creative Arts
  • 10% discount with PCCS books

You can join here 

In the wider sphere, we promote person-centred therapy wherever we believe that the approach is misunderstood, misrepresented or in danger of being diluted or sidelined.

All members may attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which is the main forum for shaping the Association, may put forward and vote on Resolutions and engage in discussion about the future of tPCA.   At the AGM, members can also stand as Trustees and vote for those who have put themselves forward to work on behalf of us all. The Association can have up to nine trustees, with the option of co-opting three more trustees with special expertise. You can find out more about our Trustees here .

Links to  Europe and beyond

 The Person Centred Association is a member of PCE-Europe and members can join as individual members.
PCE-Europe comprises 30 organisations and we work with our European colleagues on matters such as ethics and the development of the approach.  PCE-Europe is a Chapter of the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Counseling and Psychotherapy (WAPCEPC) and this is our main link in to world person-centred and experiential matters.
 Association members can also join Division 52, the Humanistic Section of American Psychological Association (APA) and benefit from a reduced membership fee for the first year.