We're really pleased to be able to say that we've just set up a group to facilitate research in the person-centred world. The group is open to any member who's interested in research - you don't have to have research experience to join.
We hope to be able to facilitate and support each other through a number of projects aimed at promoting various areas of person-centred understanding. Members range from those who've conducted several pieces of research to those with little to no experience. Some of our members also have connections to universities that will enable us to gain ethical clearance for projects, and for those new to research, will be able to provide support and mentorship.
We also recognise that it can be lonely doing research by yourself, and we hope to facilitate something of a research community.
The exact format is yet to be decided, but potential ideas might involve monthly check-in meetings to see where we're at, regular 'shut up and write' sessions, where we meet in one online room and quietly get on with our own project work, individual meetings between mentors and mentees. The opportunities are vast, but should give individuals the chance to publish some work in the PCA with the support of colleagues.
Your specific areas of interest can be varied - we expect to cover a huge range of interests, from gender and sexuality, to race and ethnicity, to neurodivergence, to self-disclosure, to short-term PCA work etc. so please don't think that you're too niche. Come join us!
You do need to be a member, but we are a low-cost organisation (and are free for students) and you'd be very welcome.
Please email research.group@the-pca.org.uk to join!