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October 23 2022, 19:00pm - October 23, 21:00pm

Women Contributors to the PCA

This is offered in collaboration with Jane Flotte, co-editor of ADPCA's Person-Centred Journal, "Women Mentors in the PCA" Sunday 23rd of October, 7-9 PM UK time A gathering to share experiences of PC women mentors. Maybe you were transformed by a teacher, a colleague or a supervisor. Maybe your mentor was never published or is not widely known in person-centered communities. We want to hear about them and to amplify voices that have gone uncelebrated. All those interested will be invited to contribute to a collaborative project for publication in the Person- Centered Journal. If anyone can volunteer to do informal translations please contact us at

To register your interest please email Miha at

Thank you,

Miha and Donna

Last updated: 12 June 2023