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Freedom to Encounter

A self-structured, self-facilitated journey to a more person-centred way of being through developing greater congruence.

Wednesday 13 July - Sunday 17 July - National College LCC, Nottingham

ADPCA Prices

Free ADPCA membership with all Full Conference Early Bird bookings.

Free Pre-Conference Workshop with the first 20 Full Conference / 4 Days Early Bird bookings (optional).

24h package includes overnight accommodation, breakfast. lunch and dinner. The 24-hour package can be started at any time (for example,

starting with dinner and ending before dinner the following day) so long as this is specified at the time of booking.

Single Day/4 Day includes lunch, but does not include dinner (available separately).

Pre-Conference Workshop includes optional evening attendance, but does not include dinner (available separately).

All packages include tea and coffee at break times.

Early Bird rates apply to bookings received before 1 February 2016

Monthly Payment Options Available on Request

Bookings can be made via the online Booking Form or, if you have any questions, you can contact the organisers.

Community Encounter Group

The conference theme is Freedom to Encounter and will be a self-organising event. Conference will begin with the community meeting where the organisers will reposition themselves as participants alongside everyone else. Beyond this point, no further structure is set by the organisers. The only structures are determined by the needs of the venue providers and include the start and end time of the conference and the mealtimes and refreshments during the conference (breakfast 8am-9.30am, lunch 1pm-2.30pm, dinner 6pm-7.30pm). There is the potential, the space, the freedom, for the initial community meeting to become an ongoing encounter group, for small encounter groups with or without themes to form, or for presentations, demonstrations or talks to be conducted; all activities will be emergent from the initial community meeting.

The potential for Presentations / Workshops / Sub groups / Other activities

The conference will be self-directing and any emergent schedule of activities will be developed by the community as a whole. Offers of workshops or presentations will be accepted and should be sent to If you would like to propose a presentation, workshop or other activity and you are not attending the whole conference, then at the time of booking and submitting your proposal please specify how long you will be in attendance. Because the conference is self-directing, specific time slots cannot be set prior to the conference.

The Value of Encounter Group

The person-centred group is an event in which there is non-directive facilitation that fosters freedom and personal enhancement of the individual. Jerold Bozarth, 2005, p.290 (In Brian Levitt, Embracing Non-Directivity).

The Person-Centred Basic Encounter Group is a basis both for Person-Centred meeting and for developing Person-Centred Being. A group may include designated facilitators or be self-facilitated by the participants themselves. No designated facilitator has been arranged for the event. Either way, the presence of the Rogerian Conditions as they apply to groups is maintained, together with an awareness of other aspects of Rogerian theory.

The Conference aims to offer a self-structured space where both experiential and theoretical learning relating to encounter can be gained. It thus offers potential for:

- Developing a Person-Centred way of being, through offering space to develop greater congruence.
- Developing understanding of Person-Centred and Encounter Theory.

Pre-Conference Workshop

This Workshop is intended to act as an introduction, or re-introduction, to Person-Centred Basic Encounter groups through theoretical discussion and experiential participation. There may be the opportunity to further this experiential aspect through participation in any encounter groups that may emerge over the course of the evening and the remainder of the conference.

Last updated: 09 June 2023