Form and Freedom: person-centred supervision training course
Form and Freedom:person-centred supervision training
April - September 2022
Facilitated by: Cathy Burton and Josephine Russell
Designed at post-qualification certificate level, this training course offers you a supportive environment in which to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary to build or refresh a supervisory practice with emphases on growth, inclusion, collaborative working and ethical awareness.
Course ethos and intention:
At the heart of this endeavour are the attitudes central to the person-centred approach; the process of an empathic accompaniment, the courage and self awareness needed for congruence in the relationship, and the transcending quality of acceptance or unconditional positive regard.With these conditions as our focus, we will invite collaborative learning and development alongside the intention for mutuality and non-oppressive practice.
With an emphasis on creative exploration, the course offers the freedom to develop our potential as supervisors, within the structure and form provided by ethics and good practice.Whilst it will have a clear person-centred ethos, we feel strongly that it doesn’t exclude our colleagues from other modalities.
We welcome applicants who identify within diverse/minority groups and are happy to discuss any concerns or specific needs you may have, prior to the course.
Whilst our aim is to hold the course in person, please be aware that if circumstances dictate and it is not possible to meet together on a specific weekend or weekends, then those parts of the course will be held on-line over zoom on the given dates. Please be prepared for this eventuality.
Course outcomes:
Each individual will have a clear idea of their own rationale for their supervision practice, with the skills and confidence gained from the integration of theory, reflection and practical skills. Participants will develop an understanding of the complex relationships within supervision, including the role of self, supervisor, supervisee, client and context, both organisational and societal. We will have considered the importance and relevance of areas such as ethical and inclusive practice, person-centred theory and how it applies to supervision and the process of setting up your supervision practice.
Course Structure:
The course consists of 60 contact hours and will take place over 5 weekends (both Saturday and Sunday) from 9 30am-4 30pm each day. Course weekends will include some unstructured community group time, experiential learning, theory and discussion. We will also offer supervision skills practice and group supervision each course weekend.
Participants are invited to organise themselves into study groups to support each other in between course weekends, meeting up in person or remotely, as needed. These groups will not be monitored, rather they are creative spaces for each group and the members within to design and engage in as they feel appropriate.In addition, in Autumn 2022 following completion of the course, we will offer you two 2-hour supervision clinics on Saturday mornings (dates to be agreed between participants and facilitators). They are designed to offer you extra support post-course. No supplementary fee is charged for these clinics and your attendance is entirely voluntary.
Course content:
Weekend One:- Introductory presentations- Hopes and expectations of self and course- Identifying personal and professional resources- Person-centred and supervision theory
Weekend Two:- Ethics- Contracting- Diversity, equality and non-oppressive practice
Weekend Three:- Working at the difficult edge; for example, suicide, mental health, neuro-diversity, fitness to practice - Supervision in the wider social context- Self Care
Weekend Four:- Creative expression- Supervision as a spiritual endeavour- Development of rationale/self-assessment/peer feedback
Weekend Five:- Presentation of rationale/self-assessment- Revision and areas for further development
This is a suggested outline of areas that we believe need to be covered, however, we aim to offer space and opportunity to respond to the group’s needs.
A combination of self, peer and facilitator input and feedback.Case study (to include an analysis of a 10-minute recorded section of a supervision session) (3,000 words)
Rationale/self-assessment (2,000 words)
Practice log
Small group presentation on diversity & inclusion
We will also invite an initial, non-assessed, piece of reflection to be shared with the group on the first weekend, focusing on your understanding and experience of supervision.
Entry requirements and application:
The course is open to currently practicing counsellors who have a minimum of two years post-diploma counselling practice with at least 450 supervised counselling hours. Applicants are also required to be working with or are ready to begin work with a minimum of two supervisees.
Course Fees:
Total: £1,250
A deposit of £250 is payable on acceptance of your place. The balance (£1,000) is payable by day-end on Friday 11th March 2022.
We have a commitment to promoting inclusion of disadvantaged groups who may be under-represented in the counselling and supervision training profession. We will, therefore, be offering one place on the course at a 50% discount. If you have any questions about eligibility or wish to apply for the available bursary, please email us and share what you feel is important for us to know.
Cancellation Policy:
A full refund of your deposit will be made if you cancel by Friday 25th February 2022. If we cancel the course, all monies will be returned.
Course Numbers:
Maximum 10 participantsIn person-centred tradition, applications will be considered in the order in which we receive them. Please findthe application form included.