Person Centred Encounter Weekend 14th – 16th June 2019
Person Centred Encounter Weekend 14th – 16th June 2019
The 2019 Person Centred Encounter Weekend will take place from 6.00pm on Friday 14th June to Sunday 16th June 2019. Our venue will be Purley Chase Centre, Purley Chase Lane, Mancetter, Atherstone, Warwickshire,CV9 2RQ, This is a great opportunity to experience giving and receiving the Rogerian conditions and to observe their effects. There are no major requirements made of participants other than an expectation that the Rogerian conditions will be respected. There is no formal structure except for meal times. Dinner on Friday evening will be at 7.00pm.
This year, we will be inviting Mike Worral to join us in order to begin our weekend with a workshop, on Friday,14th June starting at 2.00pm, entitled ‘Making Space for our Personal Truth’. A separate page giving more details about this workshop is on this web site. It is possible for participants to come for all or part of the weekend. Fees for bookings are given below:-
- Full residential weekend with the Friday afternoon workshop will cost £150.00
- Full residential weekend without the Friday afternoon workshop will cost £135.00
- Daily attendance will cost £40.00 plus £20.00 if you also wish to attend the workshop.
- The charge to anyone wishing to attend the workshop is £50.
If you feel you cannot fit in with any of these please contact me and I shall try to help as best I can.
Please note the following carefully, and whilst completing your statement and booking form: -
Our encounter weekend is non-profit making. Please note – there will be no opportunity to change room allocation or any special needs including dietary requests during the weekend. If any issues arise during the weekend regarding accommodation or food please raise with either Lois, Rob, Dave, Anne or Liz
Rooms are allocated on a first come, first served basis. A non-refundable deposit of £50 will secure you a place for all or any of the above.
Please make cheques payable to UNIVERSITY ACCOUNT and send to me, Lois Talbot, at the above address. Cheques must be accompanied by a fully completed and signed Statement and Booking Form (also enclosed). Alternatively a BACS Transfer can be made to Lloyds Bank –Sort Code: 30-98-97, Account No. 36898360.
We appreciate you sending a stamped envelope if you require a receipt. You may also care to consider taking out insurance against your possible unforeseen need to cancel. Once again PCCS Books will be available for sale during the encounter weekend.
Do contact me in the first instance if you have any queries. Failing that, you may contact either Dave Woodall tel: 01455 636787, Anne Booth tel: 01455 444518, Rob Hooper tel: 01926 490140 or Liz Allen tel: 01455 851971.
Best wishes
Lois Talbot
- Phone day: 02476 505020