PCAN Summer Encounter at Holy Rood House, Thirsk
Friday 28th - Sunday 30th june 2019
PCAN’s summer encounter group has been booked again, at Holy Rood House, which is a therapeutic centre in Sowerby, Thirsk (not far from the town centre and close to the A1; railway station about a mile away). We are always made very welcome at Holy Rood House, which has become an established venue for PCAN. The atmosphere is nurturing and relaxed, the staff very willing to accommodate our needs. We can recommend the catering, and the varied gardens provide additional sanctuary. Across the road there is a nature reserve – with walks into the town and along the banks of a stream – we enjoyed the antics of soaring sand martins nesting in the banks of the stream. More information on the Holy Rood House website: www.holyroodhouse.org.uk
- Group numbers range from 6 to around 25
- PCAN gatherings are organised on a not-for-profit basis
- Bursaries are available on application (max. 2 per weekend); payments can be staged (deposit, then split payments).
- Administrative costs and fees, bursaries and expenses are paid from any surplus
Delegate prices are: £220 (Ensuite £230); early bird price is £195 (Ensuite £205) – until the end of May; deposit to secure a place £60. There are up to 20 places available, so you need to book soon! And remember, there are only 5 ensuite rooms.
Day delegate price: (incl. lunch and dinner) £70. If you want to stay over before and/or after the weekend, extra night/s B&B can be booked direct with Holy Rood House.
Application forms from the PCAN website, PCAN Facebook page, or Bernard Mooney, 47 Palmerston Road, Buckhurst Hill, Essex, IG9 5PA; tel. 020 8504 3675; e-mail: b.mooney1@ntlworld.com – if you wish to pay by bank transfer - contact Sara – saracallen@hotmail.comAdditional information – visit PCAN website: www.pcan.info
- Phone day: 2085043675