April 13 2024, 12:55pm
Brighton Person Centred Community - upcoming programme of events
Hello! We have recently been putting energy back into the Brighton Person-Centred community and have a programme of upcoming experiential CPDs for 2024 that we wanted to share. There are lots of different opportunities to be involved, particularly if you live on or near the South Coast.
We are holding:
- a CPD with Sheila Haugh on 'What is contemporary Person-Centred theory?' on Saturday 13th April, click here for more information and tickets (discounted for students).
- We also have a Low Cost Encounter day on Saturday 11th May (click here), and
- a CPD event hosted by Helen Skelton on 'Reconnecting with Person-Centred Theory' on Saturday 13th July.
There are three regular monthly meetings: the recently qualified practitioners group on the first Saturday of the month; the Walking in Community group on the second Saturday of the month; and the wider experiential meeting on the third Saturday of the month. There is also an active bookclub.
So if you fancy joining any of these, do come along, we'd love to meet you! You can follow us on facebook or instagram as well as our website https://brightonbapca. co.uk/
The Brighton Person-Centred Community

- Email: brightonpcc01@gmail.com
Last updated: 20 March 2024