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November 20 2022, 0:00am - November 20, 0:00am

A Person-Centred Non Pathologising Approach

£65; trainees £25; financial hardship free

10.00am-4.00pm This day will focus on how we may balance acceptance of diagnoses which are meaningful to our clients, at the same time as avoiding assumptions and pathologising attitudes. In essence, participants are invited to explore the idea that to be anti-diagnosis can be as disrespectful and directive, as being someone who labels. Furthermore, to learn more about a particular difficulty, way of being, syndrome, cluster of personality traits or diagnostic label, is not an invitation to pathologise. It can be a stretching of our ability to understand and come alongside our clients in a non pathologising way, but one which honours each person’s differences from an informed perspective. This can allow a client to feel psychologically connected and accepted, as whatever they bring as part of their identity is taken seriously, not dismissed as just a label, nor viewed through the lens of a diagnosis rather than as an individual.

  • Phone (eve): 07753 826284
  • Phone day: 07753 826284
  • Phone (mob): 07753 826284
Last updated: 09 June 2023