Elizabeth Smith
- Person-Centred counsellor/therapist
- Person-Centred supervisor
DurationBetween 1 and 2 hours by agreement
Individual cost£50.00
Supervision cost£50.00
I am committed to person-centred practice, trusting the client's experience and knowledge of what needs attention, offering respect, empathic understanding and genuineness as far as I am able.
Areas of practice
I work with individuals in personal therapy covering a wide range of issues depending on what is going on for the particular client. I supervise trainee and experienced counsellors.
Special areas
I find Focusing to be significant in all my work both in terms of my own awareness and that of clients and supervisees. This is explicitly so where clients wish to work at depth with what is going on 'in the moment'. Focusing facilitates awareness of our body's wisdom and process.
Further infoFocusing-oriented
Professional accreditation
MBACP (Snr. Accred.)
Code of ethics
Diploma in Counselling 1996 Diploma in Supervising Person-Centred Practice 2005 Diploma in Focusing 2008 MA in Focusing and Experiential Psychotherapy 2010
Place of studyUniversity of East Anglia
Fees statementFull rate is £50.00 per hour. This is negotiable according to client means.