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The 'tutor support' group from the education and training group

by LJ
Published on 12 February 2022

Christine Bennett from the education and training group writes:

Thursday 10th February saw the first meeting of the Education and Training Working Group’s offshoot project, The Practice Development Group. Already we are referring to this as “the tutor support group” and the first meeting demonstrated well the capacity of person-centred counselling trainers for openness and mutual support, in fact, all the qualities you would hope to see in those teaching others the person centred approach to counselling and life.

I had become a little concerned that no one would join us, but thanks to solid support from tPCA members with roles that included advertising and leading, we had great publicity and had a total of four attendees to add to four members of the ET working group and there were eight others who were not able to attend on that specific evening. Its clear that we will have to vary our meeting times and days and that we will have a slightly different group of people each time but that’s fine, as long as those who attend have an opportunity to share experience and experiences, and benefit from the contributions of others.

On this occasion, after introductions, we moved towards a focus on how we can teach the demonstration of empathy. There was practical input and the start of resource sharing but also the pleasure of being with kindred spirits who understood. Shared issues and shared values were evident, even though there was a good mix between those working in HE, FE and private training organisations.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 9th March at 7.30 pm. Please email if you would like to be included on the mailing list for a link to each Zoom meeting. Join us when you can!

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